Monday, April 19, 2010

Revolution 909

Web 2.OK nothing much special here.  Lets face facts, although the appurtenance of web has increased immensely, and new technologies have evolved around it, we are pretty much looking at exactly the same thing from the 90s.  Text and images!  They come across pretty much exactly the same way too, html still being used.  I get the feeling that web 2.0 sells itself as some super artificial intelligence type phenomenon that will think for itself when it comes to web management and collective intelligence.  The fact is the web is an evolving entity that adapts to new technological environments.  Placing titles such as "web 2.0" over the changes is a useful as recording the changes books have made over the last 400 years.  Sure today books are sleeker, neater more accessible and more intelligible, but nether the less not really that different from the early stuff.  Still text written on pages that we use in a fairly common manner.  Needless to say I'm not that taken in by catch phrases or buzz words of the current trends.  Call me a sceptic.        

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