Thursday, May 20, 2010

High Fidelity

The concept of datavisualisation at first confused me slightly but the more i looked in to it, the more i understood and was impressed with the notion.  The idea that we can use this kind of tool to completely change our attitude to information extraction is phenomenal.  A particularly interesting tool "Pivet" was extremely interesting.  The idea that we can stop browsing from a page to page system and start encompassing all types of content simultaneous would never have occurred to me, nor would i have been able to coneceptualise the reality of it.  I like Flake's reference to the whole being greater than the sum of it parts, and i can certainly see how a program like Pivet demonstrates this.  But also we can learn more about ourselves through this process and start to observe patterns that we might have not previously been able to see.  As Flake said, the way and amount of knowledge we consume will change but with that the wisdom will come as well.      

Monday, May 10, 2010


I propose a web program that creates video based on the the collective videos of others.  The main concept is to create a music video using segments of other peoples interpretation of particular song.  The idea would be that the each contributor would up-load their video on some video sharing network such as youtube, and then my web program would create a random generator of all those collective videos to create one complete music video.  I envisage the program to disregard all video that has past the used track time, that means that a part of one user's video clip before the 1-min song clock time could not be shown after that point in the song has been payed on the random generated video.  The idea is to use a collective of peoples work even though they may not follow the same general theme, to create a unique and interesting video clip.  In our fast paced ever evolving technological society its easy to see how our trends and preferences change so quickly.  This program would mean we could enjoy music videos in new and constantly changing ways, that also would cater for a variety of peoples styles. It also gives users an opportunity to display their work to the world.